Poker Leaderboards For Poker Leagues
What is Poker Leaderboards?
Poker Leaderboards is a complete poker league management software and online service. It's a free poker tournament scoring service and one of the most valuable poker league tools. It was built out of necessity, for our pub poker league in Atlanta, and other leagues around the World.
See how valuable Poker Leaderboards is to run a successful poker league.
- Create your Free Account
Displays Poker Leaderboards On Your League Websites
Poker Leaderboards can be placed on any poker league website. You can use Facebook too. All you do then is enter tournament results into your private admin site. The Poker Leaderboards on your website update automatically for all your poker league members to see. It's easily accessed with any portable device.

Best Poker League Management Software
Poker Leaderboards will save you time and money. It's way more efficient than any other bar poker league software solution. It manages your poker leagues every aspect. Your players will love seeing their detailed stats on poker play. Your Poker Leaderboards will drive more poker players to your league venues. They will compete every night to be ranked #1 on your Poker Leaderboards!
- Loaded with features to manage your poker leagues.
- How does Poker Leaderboards work? See the user guide.
- Read about the latest news & updates and improvements.
- Improve your bar poker league with these poker league tips and tools.
- Learn more about us and why we created poker league software.
- It works great for casinos and online league.
- It's also a great home poker league manager.
Poker Leaderboards Software vs. Excel To Run Your Poker League
Are you still using Excel (or Google Drive or other) to track your poker league points. If so, I feel for you. I did it for many years. It's inefficient to say the least.Why not use Poker League Software with Poker Leaderboards for your website instead? Use it for as long as you like. The free account has non-obtrusive ads, which allows us to provide the PLS service for FREE. There are only charges if you decide to upgrade to the executive account. An upgrade get's you added features. It's up to you. Thanks for looking at Poker League Software to be your poker league manager.
Poker Leaderboards Example
Poker Leaderboards: The Last Poker League Management Program You Will Ever Need
Maybe you’ve been trying to run a poker league for a while now, or perhaps you are brand new to the scene. Either way, you have probably figured out by now that keeping track of the league leaderboards on your own without any tools to assist you is extremely challenging, and updating your poker league website manually with all that information is tedious and time-consuming. If you ready to save time and streamline your scoreboards, our Poker League Software is exactly what you need.
What is Poker Leaderboards Software?
Poker Leaderboards Software is a complete poker league management online program. It’s a free poker tournament scoring service—yes, that’s right, we said free. This is one of the most valuable poker league tools you will ever find, and we are giving it away. When we created it, we did so out of necessity for our own pub poker league, the Atlanta Poker Club (APC). We can’t even tell you how much easier our business became to run when we finally had some really professional tools on our side!
Displays Poker Leaderboards On Your Poker League Websites
What is great about this software is that it gets two jobs done at once. Not only does it help you keep track of your leaderboards, but it also displays them for you automatically on your poker league website once you get the software and your site connected! You can also choose to put your leaderboards on your Facebook page.
How does it work? It’s easy. All you do is enter in the tournament results into your private admin site. The software then updates your website or Facebook page automatically to display the poker leaderboards. Any member of your poker league can look at the results at any time to see the most up-to-date information. You can use our software from a desktop or from a mobile device, which means you can update your results right after your tournament! By the time your participants get home or check their mobile devices, they will be able to see the new results on the site right away.
Why Is This the Best Poker League Management Online Service?
Are there other poker league management solutions out there? Yes, but the very fact that we created a brand new program from the ground up for our own league should tell you something about the difference in quality here. The other programs we tried using were bulky and inefficient. They were hard to use and complicated our lives instead of simplifying them. Our own software was created to be efficient and easy to use. It is far more efficient than any other bar poker league software solution out there. It allows you to effortlessly manage every aspect of your poker league.
Your players will love not only being able to view the scoreboards in order for your tournaments, but also being able to check out detailed stats on their performance! Visitors to your website who are not yet in your league will be excited by the scoreboards and will want to be a part of your league. In that way, the poker leaderboards also serve as a great promotional tool which will drive more players to your league venues. Poker players are competitive by nature, even those who choose to join a public league without a buy-in. They will compete every night to be ranked number one on your leaderboards!
Poker Leaderboards Software Features
What do you get when you sign up for a free account?
- A user-friendly dashboard which you can update conveniently from your desktop or mobile device. All you have to do is enter in the latest results, and they will display on your website automatically and instantaneously!
- A dedicated server and daily backups. You will never have a problem accessing our software or updating your site, and our daily backups ensure that your data is safe.
- Poker Clock. The Poker Tourney Clock is still under development, but we are very excited about this new feature and will be unveiling it soon!
- Easily keep track of scoring for players, venues, staff, seasons, events, and more. On the tournaments page, you can add new tournaments or edit details for existing ones. The staff page allows you to assign roles to different members of your league staff. On the venues page, you can assign them each to different venues. The seasons page allows you to add start and end dates and break down your league. The events tab enables you to run special events (for example, a special tournament for dealers).
- Excellent customer support. We are always here ready to help you if you have any questions. We want you to have a great experience using our software, and we enjoy making new connections to other poker league directors around the country!
Executive Account Features
Our free Poker League Software is ad-supported, but you have the option of upgrading to an Executive Account from your free account page if you wish. With the Executive account, you can shut off all ads completely or replace system ads with your own ads on pages where ads are displayed. There are also other features which are not available to free users. You can split your league into Regions. Payroll, Tournament, Dealer, and Ad reports are also included in the Executive Account.
Running a poker league can be a very fun, rewarding business, and a lucrative one at that. As a league owner, though, you have a lot of players, events and venues to keep track of, and every day, your scoreboards change. You can run your league more smoothly and efficiently with the help of our Poker League Software. It’s free and easy to use; it’s served us well, and we know it will do the same for you!
- See just how indispensable Poker League Software is to run a successful poker league by opening your Free Account today! Upgrade to Executive once you login.